Sunday, February 04, 2007

Talking some Sports

So, on the day of Super Bowl XLI, my good friend Chris is starting a Sports-only blog called 110 Percent. The catch is he is going to have other authors eventually post on the blog as well. Sort of like a really delayed Sports Talk Radio thing. I think this sounds like a ton of fun and I can't wait to get started. That will leave this blog to be about stuff other than sports.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Super Bowl XLI

So, tomorrow is Super Bowl XLI and the Colts are playing the Bears. (You probably already knew that). Everyone has made their picks so I guess I should do the same. Just for fun, I'm going to have my wife and kids pick also. I just think it would be interesting to see who is right. (It will probably be them). Before I ask them, I am going to pick the Colts by 4. If I were to guess an exact score it would be something like 31-24 (With all of the Bears points coming off of turnovers...

Annabelle has told me that the Bears will beat the Colts "in the jungle climbing on a tree like a Koala Bear by 1 and 2 points". So, I'm guessing that means the Bears by 3.

Carter said the Colts, but wouldn't give me a number. (He actually didn't say Colts, he just picked the hand I said was the Colts).

Karen said Bears by 10. She apparently has no faith in Peyton Manning. Actually, I don't think she knows he plays on the Colts. Come to think of it, I don't think she knows anyone on either team. Let's move on.

So those are our picks. Guys vs. Girls with absolutely nothing (except my pride) on the line.


Friday, February 02, 2007

PSP Backgrounds - New Site

So, I'm really into my PSP. It is an awesome little multimedia device and I pretty much try never to go too far without it. Since I like to customize stuff, and the PSP will let you have your own backgrounds, I've created some that I think are cool. Here is a site: that has all the ones I've created (or altered). I used to post them on the Official Playstation forums, but some posts got a little too revealing so I don't post there now.

Here's one example of the backgrounds I've done:
Image Hosted by

I hope you will check them out.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Back to the Old Home

So, we're about to get rid of our site Truth is, we never have time to update it and the prices of hosting are about to go up, so it makes sense to call it a day and move on. My plan is to still update stuff in my blog and maybe post some pictures as well so I can still feel like I'm out there. I'm not sure how that will turn out as I often have trouble remembering to blog, but we'll see.

As part of that, I'm moving the blog back to blogspot. It's a nice site and works well, and really, I was always using it, just publishing to our site. Now it'll go to here instead. Well, That's it for now.